Archives for 2010


On: Sunday, March 21, 2010

I feel ashamed every time I read a blog page, cause that just reminds me of my own blog which just gets dull and stagnant every day I leave it there. But there’s a second chance for everything. Life is the same way of course, and I hope that I make use of it this time.

Anyway today calls for a special post. Aunty Nabila has a big day tomorrow. I wish I was there with you of course though you seem to have disowned me. For all you guys there make sure your egg her or do something in remembrance of indah villa 7th floor. Have a fantastic day Aunty. I miss you so much.

So anyway this blog needs a paint job. Anyone with ideas and tips please let me know. I’m lost and confused on these things.

Aight wish you all well,